About Jayne

Born and raised in South Derbyshire, among the ‘pits and pots’, Jayne has been an avid reader from an early age, immersing herself in stories. English was a subject that she enjoyed at school and this progressed to a love of social history. It is at this point in her life that she began to write, as she recorded her findings.

Jayne has spent over twenty years working within the education environment, helping children achieve their potential, encouraging them to both read and write, instilling in them her own love of the written word. It was whilst working on her degree, for the betterment and support of her pupils, that the love of creative writing developed.

She admits to having a quirky sense of humour often seeing life from a different angle. Her work with children often leads to her asking questions, from which the germ of an idea can form. These factors give Jayne the inspiration for her writing.

Jaye Knight

To write from the perspective of the characters involved in the story allows the reader to put themselves in that same position. This style of writing also evokes discussion with children regarding social and emotional behaviour, so can be used as an educational tool.

Following her own passion for reading, Jayne hopes that her stories will enthuse future generations.

The Hare & The Tortoise

“If you want to race me, then I challenge you,” he sneered. “Meet me here tomorrow at noon. The last one to reach the Chestnut tree is the loser.”